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The following is a list of courses taught since earning tenure and promotion in 2018.  

CI 3110 - Social Studies in the Elementary Grades

CI 4000 - Elementary School Curriculum and Instruction

CI 3110 - Social Studies in the Elementary Grades

CI 3402 - Children as Citizens: Building Classroom Community

CI 3110 - Social Studies in the Elementary Grades

CI 3060 - Social Studies in the Middle Grades

CI 3110 - Social Studies in the Elementary Grades

CI 3110 - Social Studies in the Elementary Grades

CI 3110 - Social Studies in the Elementary Grades

CI 3060 - Social Studies in the Middle Grades

CI 3110 - Social Studies in the Elementary Grades

CI 3110 - Social Studies in the Elementary Grades

CI 3110 - Social Studies in the Elementary Grades

CI 3100 - Teaching High School Social Studies

EDL 7035 - Curriculum History, Theory, and Practice in Educational Organizations

CI 3554 - Investigating the Past and Present through the Experiences of Children

CI 3110 - Social Studies in the Elementary Grades

CI 3100 - Teaching High School Social Studies

CI 3100 - Teaching High School Social Studies

CI 3060 - Social Studies in the Middle Grades

CI 3110 - Social Studies in the Elementary Grades

CI 3554 - Investigating the Past and Present through the Experiences of Children

CI 3100 - Teaching High School Social Studies

CI 3060 - Social Studies in the Middle Grades

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